We're Giving Away Over $5,000 In Prizes - Join The Challenge Today For Your Shot At Winning! 
The ONE OF A KIND Challenge That Gives You Proven Marketing Steps And The Psychology That Produces Results
We Will Be Starting On November 3rd
Would You Like To generate leads On Social Media Like Crazy?!?
Learn Exactly How To Increase Your Engagement AND Grow Your Following Using Social Media With The Strategies You'll Learn In The 14 Day Challenge!
Just Announced - Get unstuck quickly and gain total clarity with laser coaching during the challenge!
Join The 14 Day Challenge To Generate Leads On Social Media Today!
 One Payment Of Just $67
overall 14 day challenge 
participants have generated:
125,414 Leads
9,230 Sales Or Sign Ups
...And 2,207 People Did Their First Facebook Live!
In the last 14 Day Challenge,
Participants Generated:
30,958 Leads 
1,643 Sales Or Sign Ups
...And 252 People Did Their First Facebook Live!
"Just wanted to say thank you!!  I joined your last 14 day challenge and recently I entered a contest to be a speaker at an event.

The host wanted the contenders to do a live, and sell the event. Very similar to what you had us do for one of the the 14 Day Challenge lives.

I implemented your trainings and won the speaker spot! I’ll be speaking January 19th in Salt Lake City Utah to a room full of women!!

Thank you for running the 14 Day Challenge and thank you for correcting our videos and helping us step up our game!" 
Michelle Coffey
“I have done a ton a lot of Facebook coaching, the 14 Day Challenge is the absolute best bang for the buck to get real results nearly instantly.
If you can give 14 days, Ray can transform you and your business."
Ryan Pinnell
I'm going to reveal the fastest, most certain way to gain real momentum in your business by showing you that the missing puzzle piece you're looking for comes down to how you're marketing on social media.

When you get your marketing right, people are interested in what you offer.

Interested people = More exposure for your business

More exposure = More customers and clients

More customers and clients = A freedom-filled life

Learning the concepts of marketing can quickly bring in more business whenever you'd like, for the rest of your life.

But before we dig into the exciting stuff, let me ask you a question:
Have you ever felt like throwing in the towel?
If you're drowning in the sea of information out there when it comes to attracting people to you and you're disappointed with your dismal results...

Know that you're not alone.

Listen, the reason you probably aren't good at marketing is because you're only taught to reach out and prospect people all day long and are never taught the psychology of marketing...

...or you've been duped into buying expensive "become an authority or expert" kind of programs that are WAY too costly and complicated for the average person to be able to duplicate.

Chances are you practically suck at marketing on social media.

"Geez Ray, that's a little harsh don't you think?"

Yeah, it is.

The reason I'm being harsh is because I'm fed up with the amount of wasted time you spend on marketing that will never get you results.

And I'm even more fed up with the type of hype marketing I see that just leaves you frustrated, confused and totally left in the dark.

I don't blame you.

You see, most network marketing companies try to keep things as simple as possible for you to get into action and not get overwhelmed with learning a bunch of stuff.

So they tell you to say things like...
 I'm giving away free consultations! Here's my link.
 If you're struggling to lose weight, my product is amazing! Here's my link.
 Want to put your house on the market? You should totally use my services! Here's my link.
Does that sound accurate?

If it does, then allow me to blow your mind.

Ineffective marketing is when you only talk about what you have. (Your product, service or opportunity.)

Really ineffective marketing is when you only talk about what you have and assume they're ready to buy now.

Really, really ineffective marketing is talking about what you have, assuming they're ready to buy and using hype.
Can you see why most people fail at marketing?
They're posting things about what they have and they're assuming people are ready to buy.

The fact is, most people aren't ready to buy... yet.

Sure, there's a VERY, VERY small percentage of people who wake up in the morning looking for exactly what you got.

If I'm being generous, I'd say that's less than 2% of the population.

The problem with that, however, is you turn off about 98% of people who might have been a good fit but will never take a look at your product, service or opportunity because you've left a bad taste in their mouth.

After seeing countless network marketers try to fight this uphill battle, I decided to go on a mission.

A mission to challenge the network marketing profession to step up their marketing game to not only stop being pushy and salesy, but to greatly increase their marketing results.

And that's exactly what this 14 Day Challenge is all about changing for you!
The 14 Day Marketing Challenge To Generate Leads On Social Media
Exclusive Access To The Private Members Only Facebook Group
During this 14 Day Marketing Challenge, you'll get exclusive access to the private members only Facebook Group.

Inside this group, you'll get a daily training and an action item so you can immediately put what you learned to work for you.

You'll be able to connect and network with other members who are serious about leveraging their social media marketing in a way that gets people reaching out to you.

Plus - You'll be competing for over $5,000 worth of prizes!

We've decided to keep the tire kickers out and charge a small investment of just $67 to keep the group focused.
Join The 14 Day Challenge To Generate
Leads On Social Media Today!
 One Payment Of Just $67

Here's A Small Taste Of What You'll Learn In This LIVE 14-Day Challenge...
How almost all "Branding Trainers" are showing you the WRONG way to grow your business and how to do it the right way (it's actually easier)...
 How to be WAY more persuasive in your LIVE videos...
 Little known secrets to mastering the art of creating curiosity posts and LIVE videos even if all your previous attempts have failed...
 The fastest, easiest way to have people reaching out to you consistently + the formula you can (and should) teach your team!
 Why sharing your story and being vulnerable can be your biggest asset and exactly how to do it...
 How to make sales like crazy without EVER being pushy or salesy...
 You will learn the Art of the Transition - How to transition from talking about anything to bringing up your product or service (many in the 14 Day Challenge have said this ALONE was worth the investment!)
 Plus - I'm gonna show you EXACTLY what scripts to use to turn those Looky-Loos into Brand New Fresh Customers for your business... you can go Live for YEARS and not get the kind of results you could be getting with this MASSIVE (but easy to use) strategy...

How will this challenge change your business?
 Eliminate confusion of what to do on social media to actually get results
 People reaching out to you, consistently wanting to buy or join
 Love the people you work with and the impact you are actually making
 Inject caffeine into your business that sets a strong foundation to make this your best year yet
 Information overload from multiple sources (that often aren't credible)
 Reaching out and chasing prospects until they block you
 Creating non-stop content that doesn't produce any results
 Get burnt out and tell yourself you'll wait until next year to hit the ground running
overall 14 day challenge 
participants have generated:
125,414 Leads
9,230 Sales Or Sign Ups
...And 2,207 People Did Their First Facebook Live!
In the last 14 Day Challenge,
Participants Generated:
30,958 Leads 
1,643 Sales Or Sign Ups
...And 252 People Did Their First Facebook Live!
Listen To What Our Previous Challenge Contest Winners Had To Say
When You Become A Class Player Today,
You'll Get These 2 Bonuses...

BONUS 1: Becoming The BEST Version Of You

This is a unique recording that we have never included in a product. The only other place you could have possibly seen this was LIVE at on of our events from the past. In this recording, I share with you some deeper insights into how to think and act that will move you in the direction of becoming the BEST version of you. Success follows those who strive for the ultimate expression of themselves. ($97 Value)

BONUS 2: Attraction Marketing Super Class

During the 14 Day Challenge I'm going to be sharing with you exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it, but if you're looking for an EXTRA edge in your marketing, watch this recording before the challenge begins. You'll learn all you need about attraction marketing and how to use it to attract hoards of prospecting and customers to YOU rather than hunting for them. ($197 Value)
That's OVER $290+ In Bonuses!
Take A Look At What Challenge Participants Are Saying...
Now it's time for you to make a commitment.

You can either... 
 Commit to taking on this challenge... 
 Commit to showing up... 
 And commit to implementing our proven strategies... 
Or you can...
 Commit to getting confused...
 Commit to staying stuck...
 And commit to playing small...
You know what they say: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result..." 

Well, here's your chance to do something different and improve your results.
Join The 14 Day Challenge To Generate Leads On Social Media Today!
 One Payment Of Just $67
Still Undecided? Here Are Some More Student Results...
Join The 14 Day Challenge To Generate
Leads On Social Media Today!
 One Payment Of Just $67
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