(239) 471-4800
 (239) 471-4800
Tired of getting ignored in Messenger? It's time you discover...

How To Close More Sales With Messenger Using Powerful Persuasive Language

Learn the Exact Psychology for Getting More Prospects to Raise Their Hand & Say “Yes!” to Your Product, Service, or Opportunity

Live Masterclass on Thursday, June 30th at 9 PM EST

Can't make it live? No worries, you'll get lifetime access to the recording!
Ray Higdon - Creator Of More With Messenger
It’s kind of unfair, isn’t it?

Everywhere you look in the network marketing industry, there are two types of people.

Those that struggle to recruit.

Whether they don't know what to say to close the deal, or they're terrified to prospect because they fear rejection.

And then there are those that are closing machines.

They have a response for every objection or question and they sign up prospects without being pushy.

If You're Being Honest, Which Of Those Types Describes You As A Network Marketer?

If you're in the group that struggles to recruit, I have some good news for you.

It's not that the "closing machines" you see are special in any way...

...they've just learned how to handle just about every objection before it's even brought up.

Here's the reality...

Not being able to close your prospects is keeping you from achieving financial freedom and the life of your dreams.

I want to give you the confidence to convert your conversations into cash!

After not only enrolling over 700 people both online and offline, I've also had the privilege of working with countless other network marketers.

From the person who has yet to make their first buck, all the way to working with several top leaders in the profession.

I don't tell you this to brag...

...but to simply share with you that closing and getting people to say yes, is a process anyone can follow.

And the best part?

Today, you can take advantage of ethically stealing my very best scripts for sealing the deal.

This is your chance to get a shortcut for what's taken me years to master.

I Want You To Picture This...

   How would your business change if you have the confidence to prospect a sharp person?
  What would your team look like if they had word-for-word responses to even the toughest objections?
  What if you could be authentic in your approach and actually enjoy talking to prospects?
  And what might your family say when they see all the sacrifices finally pay off?
All those things are possible when you have the right words to say.

So today, I'd like to introduce you to my new training that allows you to watch over my shoulder so you can...

Learn the Exact Psychology for Getting More Prospects to Raise Their Hand & Say “Yes!” to Your Product, Service, or Opportunity

Option One

General Admission

  Access to the Live Interactive Masterclass on June 30th at 9 PM EST - VALUE: $497
  Lifetime Digital Access of Masterclass Recording - VALUE: $297
total Value: $794

Just $107

Option Two

VIP Experience

  Access to the Live Interactive Masterclass on June 30th at 9 PM EST - VALUE: $497
  Lifetime Digital Access of Masterclass Recording - VALUE: $297
  Presenting for Profits Full Course - VALUE: $297
  Two Private Post-Event Live Q&A's with Ray Higdon (July 13th and 19th at 8:30 PM EST) + Recording - VALUE: $997
total Value: $2,088

Just $137

You Won't Find Another Training Like This Specifically For Network Marketers

Most people simply don’t teach this to their team.

In this training, Ray will be breaking down psychologically what works and what doesn’t and how you can easily increase the amount of sign ups and customers you get by learning this art of persuasive messaging.

You’ll also learn proven verbal techniques that you can use in Messenger to guide your prospects towards signing up or becoming a customer of your product.
This training will provide you with an exact strategy on how to build a personal brand while generously getting paid to promote your company’s product or service.

Not only will you discover the closely guarded secrets from our highly influential speakers, but they'll also share with you the common mistakes to avoid as your following grows.

This "training" won't just be something you watch, it’s all about action!

Here's A Sneak-Peek At What You'll Discover

  An In-depth Audit of Over 15+ Real-World Conversations, showing you the small changes that mean the difference between closing the sale and getting another “no” so you can easily apply them to your REAL messenger chats with potential prospects
  Ray’s Secret Weapon for closing more sales on the first conversation (hint: it actually starts before your conversation)
  The Exact Psychology of a Network Marketing Prospect and how to leverage knowing this to get more sign ups and customers than you ever could before on Messenger
  Winning one-liners that show prospects that you mean business and want to help them succeed without coming across as too pushy or spammy
  Ray’s Favorite resource on persuasive scripts and techniques that you can grab and use on-the-go (especially when you’re feeling unsure what to say next)
  Our Simple Method for getting a “Stuck” conversation moving in the right direction again. You can even use this in conversations that are currently hitting a dead end or roadblock
  How to NEVER have another awkward transition from “Hello, how are you?” to seeing if they are open to your offers - Hint: Know exactly when and how to smoothly make the transition and “pop the question”
  Why building rapport for too long is actually detrimental to your success; and the better way to see if someone is open to your product, service, or opportunity
  PLUS, Ray’s personal pre-prospecting Physio-mental Warm-up that gets you in the BEST possible state for talking with potential new sign ups and customers
  And so much more!

How Am I So Confident That What I Teach Works?

Allow me to share with you some stats from our private community, Rank Makers.

Inside this group, we ask members to track and submit their stats and here’s their results since 2017:


New Customers


New Reps


Rank Advancements

Pretty amazing, right?

Now it’s your turn.

If you want to:
   Increase your income in the fastest way possible
  Feel confident when talking to prospects on social media
  Develop the mental muscle to never let rejection hold you back again
  Have people on your team asking how you're getting insane results
  Impact more people by sharing your products and business with them, then this training is for you!

Act Now And Get These Amazing Bonuses Absolutely FREE!

 $47 Value
Bonus 1: Plotting Your Comeback
 $47 Value
Ray is no stranger to having his back against the wall. From a failed real estate career to overcoming personal foreclosure, Ray has walked the walk.

In just a few short years he went from broke, down on his luck to a best-selling author, and his training company, The Higdon Group, recently hit the INC 5000 as one of the country’s fastest-growing companies.

Inside this bonus training, Ray shares with you the principles behind getting out of tough times and shifting into another gear.

Whether you're satisfied with your current results and just want a little more, or you need to turn things around quickly, this training will give you a blueprint to get to the next level.
 $97 Value
Bonus 2: Network Marketing Blitz Secrets
 $97 Value
Recently I held a private session and gave a network marketing training "blitz." 

What you'll discover in this blitz are the key components to growing your business faster and also how to handle an unsupportive family member while growing your business.

This 2 hour training is essentially what you could turn around and teach your team if you want to get them started fast.
 $147 Value
Bonus 3: The Lifelong Lead Machine
 $147 Value
If your business requires a steady stream of prospects and leads… and you’re tired of chasing people and prospecting… then you’re going to love this bonus. 

It’ll teach you how to build a “Lifelong Lead Machine” that gets qualified people to SEEK YOU OUT. 

Once you fire up this machine, it’ll be next to impossible to shut off the lead flow. 

Every week you’ll have new qualified people knocking down your door just to talk to you. 

Can you imagine how easy it will be to grow your team and commissions with people coming to you ready to buy?
 $197 Value
Bonus 4: Building Duplication & Team Culture
 $197 Value
What's the point of being a great marketer and recruiting more people, if you don't have much duplication? 

Inside this bonus training, you'll discover the secrets to creating a better culture and better community for your team so they never want to leave.

Which means, you're more likely to build a team that duplicates!

That’s $488.00 Worth Of Bonuses Alone!

To make this an easier decision for you, I'm giving you an entire 30 days to try it out. 
I've packed a lot into More With Messenger, and I want to make sure that you not only consume all the content before you fully commit to this - I want to give you 30 days to learn, implement it into your business, and make sure you're really getting results.

Go through the entire course. If you don't LOVE it, we insist that you get 100% of your money back.

It's simple: Get the training and put it to the test. If my secret messenger strategies don't help you grow your business within 30 days, I'll refund your purchase, no questions asked.
To make this an easier decision for you, I'm giving you an entire 30 days to try it out. 
I've packed a lot into More With Messenger, and I want to make sure that you not only consume all the content before you fully commit to this - I want to give you 30 days to learn, implement it into your business, and make sure you're really getting results. 

Go through the entire course. If you don't LOVE it, we insist that you get 100% of your money back.

It's simple: Get the training and put it to the test. If my secret messenger strategies don't help you grow your business within 30 days, I'll refund your purchase, no questions asked.

Here's What Customers Said About More With Messenger

Now it's your turn...

Let’s Transform You Into A Closing Machine 🤩

  If you feel like you're dealing with rejection after rejection and no matter how many new people you recruit, you're unable to keep them around long-term without having to motivate them all the time...
  If you're always feeling stressed and on the verge of throwing in the towel when it comes to growing your business on social media, and following up with unresponsive leads...
  And if you don't have a clear, proven plan for consistently moving up the ranks without working all the time so you can finally prove to your loved ones that the sacrifice has been worth it...
Know that creating massive team growth and freedom in your business is possible. You just need to close more sales with messenger using powerful persuasive language.

Allow me to give you a shortcut to creating the life you desire and deserve!

Here's A Quick Recap Of Everything You'll Get When You
Grab More With Messenger Today!
  More With Messenger
$297 Value
  Bonus 1: Plotting Your Comeback
$47 Value
  Bonus 2: Network Marketing Blitz Secrets
$97 Value
  Bonus 3: The Lifelong Lead Machine
$147 Value
  Bonus 4: Building Duplication & Team Culture
$197 Value
  More With Messenger - $297 Value
  Bonus 1: Plotting Your Comeback - $47 Value
  Bonus 2: Network Marketing Blitz Secrets - $97 Value
  Bonus 3: The Lifelong Lead Machine - $147 Value
  Bonus 4: Building Duplication & Team Culture - $197 Value
Total Value: $785.00
Get Instant Access To More With Messenger For
Just One Payment Of $39 Today!
(239) 471-4800 | support@higdongroup.com
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