"I started in network marketing when I was 21 years old. I had no warm market, no business experience and no confidence what so ever....
My friends were all broke - and my family thought I was nuts! (I'm sure some of you can relate...)
I didn't sign up a single person for 6 months, and seriously thought about quitting my business.
I remember crying...
thinking to myself that I wasn't meant for great things, that I'm a failure and that I'll never amount to anything if I keep doing what I'm doing.
The Frustration was so overpowering. I felt like I had no direction and was spinning in circles.
Then a friend told me about social media and how people were using it to make money - I was intrigued, but still skeptical.
I thought social media was a place to tell people what sandwich you ate that day - NOT business...
But I decided to look into it anyway, and long story short I found a simple.. step by step system to
recruit LEADERS on social media, not just anyone.
I ended up recruiting over 250 people into my last company, reaching my first 10k month and becoming
the #1 Female Income Earner with that company!
If I can do it - so can you.. trust me...
I plan on diving deep into this strategy at Top Earner Academy.