So here's the deal... you're probably out in the
"marketplace" on a daily basis, reading articles, studying books, buying courses, and attending every event you can make it to...
You're taking notes, learning new strategies, and taking action on all of the new techniques you can possibly fit into your already busy day, so you can grow your own business.
Maybe you're doing well... maybe you've yet to make your FIRST sale or recruit your first rep. No matter which way you look at it, the simple TRUTH is this...
If you're not giving your audience (no matter how big or small) an opportunity to work directly with you, and receive your knowledge and wisdom, then YOU'RE LEAVING BUCKETS OF MONEY ON THE TABLE.
Now, picture this...
Imagine that you had an exact BLUEPRINT for how to structure your own micro-coaching program, how to sell it, and how to find the PERFECT, ideal client to work with.
Imagine what it'd be like to find that amazing client that takes action on what you tell them to do, that is totally coachable, and that craves more of your advice.
Now, picture that brand NEW client of yours paying you hundreds {even thousands} of dollars per month to share your advice, insights, and knowledge with them.
Pretty cool, right?
Now, I bet, even as you're picturing this in your mind, a few questions are coming to mind...
Like, "what if I don't know how to answer one of my clients questions?" or "what would I possibly share with anyone, even if I had a blueprint to set up my own coaching program?"
These, and many others, are the questions that we're going to answer for YOU (on top of giving you the exact blueprint we use to craft our coaching programs...